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A task for determining how prototypical an object is would be

a task where participants rate the extent to which each member represents the category title.

Your text describes cross-cultural studies of categorization with U.S. and Itza participants. Given the results of these studies, we know that if asked to name basic level objects for a category, U.S. participants would answer ____ and Itza participants would answer ____.

bird; sparrow

Spreading activation

primes associated concepts.

Items high on prototypicality have ____ family resemblances


Items high on prototypicality have ____ family resemblances.


The connectionist network has learned the correct pattern for a concept when

the back propagated error signal is zero.

When a participant is asked to list examples of the category vegetables, it is most likely that

a carrot would be named before eggplant.

In evaluating retrieval rates for category information for a concept, Collins and Quillian'ssemantic network approach would predict the slowest reaction times for which of the followingstatements using a sentence verification technique?

A field sparrow is an animal.

According to Collins and Quillian's semantic network model, it should take longest to verify which statement below?

A pig is an animal

______ is an average representation of a category

A prototype

______ is an average representation of a category.

A prototype

Which of the following reaction time data sets illustrate the typicality effect for the birdcategory, given the following three trials?(NOTE: Read data sets as RTs for Trial 1: Trial 2: Trial 3)Trial 1: An owl is a bird.Trial 2: A penguin is a bird.Trial 3: A sparrow is a bird.

A:583: 653: 518 msec

Which approach to categorization can more easily take into account atypical cases such as flightless birds?


_______ are actual members of a category that a person has encountered in the past.


Which methodology is used to study categorization processes in very young infants?

Familiarization/novelty preference procedure

Which of the following represents a basic level item?A. Guitar B. Musical instrumentC. Rock guitarD. Paul McCartney's bass guitar


Which of the following is an example of the sentence verification technique?

Indicate whether the following statement is true: An apple is a fruit. YES NO

Which approach to categorization involves forming a representation based on an average of category members that a person has encountered in the past?


People playing the parlor game "20 Questions" often use hierarchical organization strategies.One player asks up to 20 yes/no questions to determine the identity of an object another playerhas selected. The player's questions usually start as general and get more specific as the playerapproaches a likely guess. Initial questions asked by a player are often one of three questions:"Is it an animal?" "Is it a vegetable?" and "Is it a mineral?" Each of these three questionsdescribes which level of categorization


People playing the parlor game "20 Questions" often use hierarchical organization strategies. One player asks up to 20 yes/no questions to determine the identity of an object another player has selected. The player's questions usually start as general and get more specific as the player approaches a likely guess. Initial questions asked by a player are often one of three questions: "Is it an animal?" "Is it a vegetable?" and "Is it a mineral?" Each of these three questions describes which level of categorization?


Learning takes place in a connectionist network through a process of _____ in which an error signal is transmitted from output units towards the input units.

back propagation

The prototype approach to categorization states that a standard representation of a category is based on

category members that have been encountered in the past

Which term below is most closely associated with semantic networks?

cognitive economy

The process of back propagation is most closely associated with

connectionist networks.

Not all of the members of everyday categories have the same features. Most fish have gills, fins, and scales. Sharks lack the feature of scales, yet they are still categorized as fish. This poses a problem for the _______ approach to categorization.


Research on the physiology of semantic memory has shown that the representation of different categories in the brain (like living and non-living things) is best described as being


Research suggests that the _____ approach to categorization works best for small categories


Research suggests that the _____ approach to categorization works best for small categories (e.g., U.S. presidents).


Priming occurs when presentation of one stimulus

facilitates the response to another stimulus.

Collins and Loftus modified the original semantic network theory of Collins and Quillian tosatisfy some of the criticisms of the original model. However, their revised model was notimmune to criticism. One criticism of Collins and Loftus' semantic network theory is that it

is of little explanatory value because it can explain just about any result.

Collins and Loftus modified the original semantic network theory of Collins and Quillian to satisfy some of the criticisms of the original model. However, their revised model was not immune to criticism. One criticism of Collins and Loftus' semantic network theory is that it

is of little explanatory value because it can explain just about any result.

For the category "fruit," people give a higher typicality rating to "banana" than to "kiwi." Knowing that, we can also reason that

the word "fruit" will lead to a larger priming effect for banana than for kiwi.

Learning in the connectionist network is represented by adjustments to network


Quizwiz - Ace Your Homework & Exams, Now With ChatGPT AI (2024)
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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.